Thursday 31 October 2013

Bury me in Belgium

The train I thought we were catching to Brussels was actually a bus; it was 2 hours late so we didn't get to our hotel until like 6… (we were meant to arrive at 2:30pm).

Needless to say it was a long day yesterday.

BUT my oh my. Worth it.

I have died and gone to my spiritual heaven. If I was religious, food would be my God and Belgium would be my mecca. Today I began my pilgrimage.

Admittedly, this morning when I was looking up things to do, I was a bit disheartened. The number one city attraction is essentially a public square. 'Very exciting', I thought, quite indifferent and a little unenthused. Nevertheless we set out to find the Grand Place.

Our hotel is next to the botanical gardens so we walked through on our way to town. It kind of reminded me of central park with the lush greenery surrounded by modern buildings. After our pleasant shortcut, we made it to the rustic city centre. 

Then it began…

shop WAFFLES, shop, CHOCOLATE, shop, BEER, shop, WAFFLES, shop, CHOCOLATE, shop,  BEER, shop, CHIPS….

And yes, I sampled them all periodically throughout the day.

The truth is I only actually put Brussels on the itinerary to visit some friends I made in USA. I'm so grateful to them for giving me a reason to come to this magical, magical land.

It's a little difficult to navigate the streets with their bilingual names and I never know what language to speak to people in (the three official languages are Dutch, French and German) but it's fine cause even when you're lost, you're never too far from some waffles and chocolate to numb the pain.

So literally, bury me in Belgium. I have found my peoples.

B xoxox

Botanic Gardens


Flowers for sale at Grand Place

Grand Place

Tuesday 29 October 2013

Paris- Lonely Planets #1 city to visit 2014

As a way to save money, I've forbidden public transport unless absolutely necessary. If it's possible to walk there, we will which hasn't been a problem until on Sunday when it rained buckets.

We got up super early to allow the 45 minute walking time to get to the boat. When we left there was a light drizzle, then some solid rain, then... TORRENTIAL SHOWERS. I have NEVER been so saturated in my entire life. 

This meant that most of the canal cruise was spent hunched over a little heater trying not to get pneumonia. In true Murphy's Law style, once we got on the boat and started the tour, it became a beautiful autumns day. 

Yesterday we did a free walking tour around Paris. I did it more so that my boyfriend could learn more about the city but to be honest we both got a bit bored towards the end. 

Today is our last full day in Paris. This week has gone super quick. Tonight we are doing a night walking tour around Montmarte, the 18th Arrondissement (and my personal fav part of Paris). 

Tomorrow we are catching the train to Brussels in Belgium, a country known for beer, chips and waffles. It's going to be hard but I think I will survive there. 

I'm pretty keen to come back to Paris before I head back to Australia so i'll see if I can squeeze in another little trip even if its just a weekend. 

With love, from Paris (lonely planets #1 city to visit 2014) 

B xoxo

Canal Cruise

The Mascot of the Jardin des Tuileries. He's employed to keep the grass short lol. cutie

Saturday 26 October 2013

Paris- Palace of Versailles

Today was another glorious day in the land of cheese.

This is my fourth time in Paris but I've never been to Versailles so it was pretty high up on my to do list. 

We all know I love a bike when i'm travelling (see California post for example) and I thought that would be the best way to see the Chateau because to be honest I was more interested in seeing the ground's gardens than the interior (although both were spectacular).

I'd say i'm a pretty outdoorsy person (as in: I like going for walks and being surrounded by nature... I'm not saying I wanna go swim with sharks or jump of buildings à la Beyoncé) so I really enjoyed just being outside in a place a little less metropolitan.

Mmmmm Fresh Air!

My favourite place was Marie-Antoinette's estate. Such a cool little area with ponds and quaint buildings. 

Yesterday we went to Cimetière Père Lachaise and had a walk around. I know it's weird, but it's one of my favourite things to do in Paris, visiting the deceased.

Tomorrow we are crusing down the rivers and canals of the French capital before heading up to Sacre Cœur in the evening to watch the sunset.

A bientôt 

B xx

Shameless tourist shot of Notre Dame

Unfortunately some construction in Versailles but will be worth it

Lovely Gardens


Maire Antoinette's estate

We picnicked by the Grande Canal

Thursday 24 October 2013

Paris- An obsession

Walking around Paris today, I got to thinking... why on earth am I so obsessed with Paris?

I've pin-pointed it to two life events;

My first trip here when I was about 10


The Olsen's twins 'Passport to Paris' (don't laugh, you love it).

My obsession, which started of specific to the capital has now spread to the county as a whole. I've tried very hard to learn the language, I lived in Normandy for a couple months but it seems nothing has quite yet quenched my thirst for this country.

I know it smells, I know it's ridiculously expensive (today my boyfriend paid 10 euros for a beer) and I know Parisians care much more about their pedigree pooches than some tourist trying to ask for directions with an English heavy accent. But I just can't help loving it. 

Maybe another séjour in France will satisfy my needs.

We walked around for like six hours today. I'm tired and hungry but i'm trying not to eat carbs which is difficult in a country known for it's baguettes. Onion soup it is.

Bianca xoxo